Thursday, June 30, 2011

6/30 - Thursday

Whoa. When I wrote the date down I realized that I have to take my first malaria pill today … BECAUSE WE’RE LEAVING TOMORROW!!! It’s crazy. I’ve waited SO long for this opportunity but I’m almost sad that it’s here because that means that in a few weeks it will be over. Over. over. No more anticipation. No more daydreaming. No more prep work and packing. No more actual trip to be going on.
Also, there’s so many little details to think about. Clothing. Weather. TSA. Luggage. Disease. Water. Strange foods. Safety in transportation. Relationships with teammates. Layovers. Even sovouniers and money, for Pete’s sake! I mean, WHY?! These things all have their place, but honestly, the reason for the trip, unity with the church, is the real thing I should be excited and thinking about! God is the reason.